Looking for domestic supplier for Hi-B steel to avoid 25% import tariffs?

Looking for domestic supplier for Hi-B steel to avoid 25% import tariffs?   Metglas amorphous alloys can meet US Department of Energy (DOE) 2016 performance standards and are produced in the United States. In many cases, Amorphous Distribution Transformer designs are a lower-cost solution than Grain Oriented Electrical Steel (GOES) and the Hi-B grades (ZDKH,…


TechAdvantage 2018, Nashville, TN

Metglas is pleased to announce that we will be exhibiting at the TechAdvantage 2018 Conference & Expo. TechAdvantage® is the electric utility trade show dedicated to America’s electric cooperatives! More than ever, electric utilities and industries today are searching for technologies that will reduce their operating costs and improve energy savings throughout their systems. Don’t miss out on this opportunity and…


Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving   Happy Thanksgiving from Metglas! We hope you have a fantastic long weekend and holiday season! We look forward to new opportunities, experiences in the coming year. Thank you for your business!   Metglas®, Inc is a World-Leading Producer of Amorphous Metals