Looking for domestic supplier for Hi-B steel to avoid 25% import tariffs?
Metglas amorphous alloys can meet US Department of Energy (DOE) 2016 performance standards and are produced in the United States. In many cases, Amorphous Distribution Transformer designs are a lower-cost solution than Grain Oriented Electrical Steel (GOES) and the Hi-B grades (ZDKH, ZDMH etc.) designs for meeting DOE performance requirements.
Metglas® Amorphous Transformer cores are manufactured from low loss Metglas® 2605HB1M transformer core alloy. The low loss, high permeability alloy has excellent performance for single and three phase commercial, industrial and distribution transformer applications.
Compared to silicon steel core transformers, amorphous core transformers will have 50% lower losses at 20% load and 32% lower losses at 30% load(1).The energy efficiency of most distribution transformers purchased in the US are based on the DOE Standard. The Standard is based on minimum efficiency at 50% of Nameplate Rated Load (Capacity Factor). However, the vast majority of residential transformers operate at 20% – 30% Capacity Factor(2). So transformers with lower no-load losses will be more efficient under actual operating conditions. Amorphous Core Transformers have much lower no-load losses than transformers made with traditional electrical steel.

(Assumes Size Mix from Table 9.3.3 Chapter 9 of DoE TSD’s)
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Metglas – Next Generation of Amorphous Transformer Core Alloy is made in America!
(1) Estimate based on Metglas Transformer Optimization Model
(2) APPA / NRECA Letter to EPA 27th February 2015 – Attachment A – 1st page